
Monday, June 28, 2010

Surprise, surprise...

Indigo Bunting
(Passerina cyanea)

Surprise, surprise.... While looking around the eastern hill on Friday morning, there was a flash of iridescent blue in the prickly ash thicket, and a single brilliant male Indigo bunting flew up into a nearby tree. The behaviours of this handsome fellow and his dainty brown lady love were agitated, and they were clearly nesting behaviours - I shot a mere three frames then retreated to the other side of the hill to let them get on with their nest construction.

The second surprise of the week was not so fortunate. I succumbed to a weak spell on Saturday afternoon and fell backward into the old oak desk here in the study, concussing myself royally and bruising my lower back. There was an audible "crack" as my elderly sconce connected with the solid wooden desk surface and then the floor - I don't remember anything of the few minutes before and after. A doozy of a headache lingers, I list slightly to port, and my doctor says there is to be no outdoor rambling for this old hen for a few days. Barges of patience will be required...


  1. How wonderful, your surprise has become my surprise, and pleasure. The Indigo Bunting is beyond description beautiful. He is so vibrant of color and presence.

    So sorry about your weak spell and fall. Take special care of you!

    Much love, magnolia

  2. Sounds like the next few weeks you can sort through all your wonderful photos and write new stuff, weed, enhance...! What a frightening experience.

  3. Glad you are alright and on the mend.
    What a gorgeous bird you found to share with us. Hope you continue to heal and find new inspiration in your convalescence.

  4. Oh, Cate - I hope you are on the mend quickly and totally!! No kidding about the patience while being indoors - I thrash at those kinds of ties that bind me!

    Beautiful picture of the bunting!

  5. Oh I am so sorry to hear about your fall. That must have been scary. Sending you light and love. (And the blue of the bunting is magnificent.)

  6. Oh, no, Cate! That is really scary. Sending you healing energy and gentle easefulness as you recover. Please take good, good care.

  7. Hope you're feeling less woozy now and not the colour of the bunting! What with the rain perhaps you won't feel too confined to be indoors. Hope you recover quickly and the sun comes out so you can ramble some more.

  8. I thought at first when i read that you "succumbed to a weak spell on Saturday afternoon and fell backward into the old oak desk" that it was a metaphor for forsaking the outdoor rambles and falling into an encounter with the inner oak tree and the ramblings of the mind! Perhaps it is... I hope you recover well and the time spent doing so is not too irksome.

    Thank you for the blue bird - how do you manage to catch such beauty!

  9. Indigo Buntings are a treasure to behold...fortunate you!

    So very sorry to hear of your tumble. Having taken a spill of my own, now nursing two broken bones, I can relate to the disconcerting nature of it all...the fall ;-(

    take good care.

  10. May you be swiftly restored! A high-summer time-out to catch your breath...

  11. Cate, I am so very glad you're all right! I hope you heal quickly, and I'm sending some 'patience' vibes your way.

    Gorgeous photo of the Indigo Bunting!

    Healing hugs, Victoria


Every word a singing pebble...