
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - Learning Deep Water


  1. How wonderful. Spencer has the perfect wardrobe whether he is in or out of the water. Drip dry.

    He is a handsome guy!

    Great new blog changes, stepping up to the more professional.

  2. He is such a handsome boy!! Looks like he is having fun - love the ear flapped back!

  3. He is a piece of art all by himself!!

  4. Spencer looks like he's having a great time! He's such a beautiful - er, no, make that handsome - boy.

    Cate, your photos of the rose and the water lily in your two previous posts are exquisite, as are all of your photos.

  5. Our little guy has now become a strong swimmer, and he is proud of his new skill. We didn't push him into swimming at all, simply allowed him to find his own confidence and comfort level and move ahead at his own pace. No more nervousness - now he loves the water.


Every word a singing pebble...