Saturday, February 05, 2011



One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Oh yes, Waiting
for evidence
that Spring is on the way ...

Cindy said...

I imagine precious little seeds lying cloaked and waiting for their big debut.....but they're not in any hurry. Neither am I. Still loving all this snow. I think it's the silence on snowy mornings that has me hooked.

Mystic Meandering said...

"Waiting" in the mere simplicity of Silence... At rest...

Anonymous said...

That made me smile. Waiting indeed. It's spring festival in China though it's just as cold in the north.

Marcie said...

So pretty, in a lonely quiet way. Maybe that is just be superimposing how I feel about WAITING onto your lovely photo! :)

the wild magnolia said...

The wheel shall turn again, therefore, we are never bored.

Great photo!