Tuesday, September 18, 2012

September Reds

Could I live in a world or place where the trees don't turn red and gold and burgundy in September?  I think not - a world without the Great Round, the four seasons and these resplendent reds is too awful to contemplate.


Eadaoin said...

I agree, a world without seasons would be unthinkable! These are gorgeous reds you've captured already, the leaves are just beginning to change here so there's not much colour just yet. But it's on the way and I'm looking forward to getting out there with the camera like you've done!

Melanie said...

I come from the Austin area of Texas where the trees don't turn at all. It is hot till right before Samhain, then we have the first cool front. I live in the Tennessee mountains now where the autumn color is plentiful. LOVE IT!

Kate said...

Beautiful photos! I love when the leaves are red :)

Lynn said...

I must admit I miss the snows of Alaska, Washington and Oklahoma. In the south we get a show of autumn color enough to say ah, a short few weeks of nippy winter long enough to dig out sweaters and light a fire, a beautiful fresh green spring and a very long, hot, humid summer. It’s the right choice for old bones. Still . . .

Cindy said...

I lived in Texas as well, where they were no seasons and no colors to enjoy. Since living in Kentucky I enjoy four beautiful seasons...Fall being my favorite! The colors of Fall are a balm to my spirit!