Monday, March 12, 2012

Blowing in the Wind

Paper Birch (Betula papyrifer
Not the sudden advent of springtime, just morning light in March and the sunny cove below a steep ridge on the Two Hundred Acre Wood.  

Sunlight and warmed stone have compelled the snow to retreat, and the tattered bronzy bark of the old birch glows against a backdrop of blue sky, bare trees and plumes of aromatic cedar blowing in the wind.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful description. Crocuses are up in Toronto, a month early.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

I can almost smell the cedar :)

Tabor said...

Cedar aroma in winter...a rare treat I am thinking.

laveta'splace said...

A very interesting picture. Isn't nature awsome?

the wild magnolia said...

I should like to smell the scent of cedar blowing in the wind.

Kiki said...

spring is on its way! beautiful details - glowing birch rind.... aah!