Tuesday, March 13, 2012

For Sister Mermaids Far and Near

It began with a parcel arriving in the mailbox early in 2012, and when I opened the parcel, there was not one but three gorgeous novels by my friend and mermaid sister Kim Antieau.

I blush to admit that I am always planning to review the three books and never quite getting there.  Oh, I have read them for sure and more than once, but whenever I start reviewing one of the three, I wind up getting immersed in it all over again and forgetting entirely about doing the review.  For this  failing I am deeply ashamed, Sister Kim,  and my profuse apologies, but the novels really are wonderful, and they are the kind of books one can get lost in at the drop of a hat or a seashell, the flutter of an elegantly curved mermaid fin.

There is a little mermaid and Old Sea in all of us and certainly more than a little in me, for I love Kim's tales and am vastly tickled that the First Book of Old Mermaids Tales is dedicated to me and my sweet mermaid sister, Joanna Powell Colbert.

Read 'em all, beginning with the Church of the Old Mermaids.  I have almost worn out my copy of that lovely book and will be ordering another in the near future.


Cindy said...

I have read Church of the Old Mermaids and loved it! I'm thrilled there are more for me to discover. Thank you, I so enjoy a good read and especially where I can see myself in the characters and find their wisdom jumping right off the page and into my life!

Elaine K said...

I think you will really enjoy Kim's wonderful new book "Her Frozen Wild". this amazing story, that winds around the boundaries of time, was so captivating that I found myself reading way past my bedtime!
now I am about to start "Swans In Winter".
according to Kim's blog, there are a couple more books on the way as well. I am so happy, Kim is such a fabulous writer.

Tabor said...

They must be good if you keep falling back into reading them when you get ready to review.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

This may be something to put on my list of books.
Thank you...

Kameshwari said...

Interesting. after reading about the books you rec'd, I thought a bit of Marilyn from the Juicy Crones group.
With a continued interest in the books, I followed the link to Amazon where I came across reviews that included Marilyn's.

I cannot help but believe that she reads here, with us.

kerrdelune said...

Lovely lovely books, and I can't thank Kim enough for them.

Sarah La Rosa said...

And have you read The Mermaid Chair by Sue Monk Kidd yet? It's wonderful. :)

Kim Antieau said...

Oh, so sweet of you to mention them. No "shame" will ever be associated with the Old Mermaids! They were a gift for you to enjoy! Thanks for mentioning them. Much love always.

Kim Antieau said...

Thanks to the rest of you for saying kind things about my books! I'm reading them on a gloomy snowy rainy day here in the PNW and your comments brought sunshine into my day.