A thirteen year old GSP (German Shorthair Pointer) belonging to our friends the Armstrongs in the Lanark Highlands, Emma is Spencer's best friend, confidante, soulmate and rambling companion in the woods, just as she was our beloved Cassie's companion a few years ago. As the elder in the relationship, Cassie was always very much the boss; now Emma is the matriarch in the equation, and Spencer treats her with loving respect and attention - when necessary, obedience too.
Em was named at birth for Emma Peel, John Steed's companion in the wonderful old British television series called "The Avengers", and she has all the grace, forceful personality and athletic ability of the warrior for whom she was named. Spencer is named after the late Robert B. Parker's fictional sleuth Spencer, and the monikers of the two close chums are apt. Like all GSPs, they have phenomenal noses and a sure talent for finding
things, and they work very well as a team in the woods.
Beautiful, brainy and somewhat independent by nature, Em has a puckish sense of humor, and she is rather bossy, but then she has the right to be bossy at her age. Her family doesn't mind; we don't mind, and Spencer doesn't seem to mind either.
At the age of ninety or so in human years, the lady is still remarkably fleet of foot, and in motion she has the winning form of a fine thoroughbred, so much so that I have been trying for years to capture an image of her in action and never succeeded until this week. Ditto an image of her with Spencer - they are always together, but never slow down long enough to be captured on film or a memory card, at least in the same frame. They are indeed a magnificent pair, and we love them both.
They are so elegant and fine looking.
Now my little Callie
a rescue dog
but has my heart...
Just read that Emma Peel was Carly Fiorina's childhood heroine and role model! This has nothing to do with dogs, BUT.
good things come to those who are willing to wait.
the top photo is an unusual pose, a timely pleasing capture of wild sturdy beauty.
the bottom photo is wild abandon.
thank you for sharing.
They are a beautiful pair. The top photo being one that can be found in one of those fabulous coffee table editions of dogs.
I LOVE the top shot - they both are beautiful creatures and your photography is wonderful, so alive!
Thanks for sharing this brilliant rendez-vous....
Oh to be a dog... :) Don't have to worry about those "relationship issues" :) I remember "The Avengers"! LOL
I have 12 year old slick-coated GWP here, who still has that same athleticism and beauty as well. And she is bossy. Always has been. :) Her younger Lab companions are happy for her to be the boss and their jolly ways mellow her old lady grumpiness. It's fun to watch. :)
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