Monday, July 09, 2012

Geraniums Also Bloom in White...

We've always favored geraniums in shades of scarlet, orange and bright salmon pink but this delicate white one caught my eye not so long ago.

I had no idea my plant was white of course.  She had been abandoned in the rubbish bin of a nearby plant nursery as being beyond redemption, nary a bloom or a bud to be seen, her leaves crumbling, the soil of her forlorn residence as dry as dust and blowing away.  The despair emanating from her plastic pot was almost tangible, and home came the rejected orphan in my old cotton tote bag.

Watered and lovingly tended, geranium has leafed out lavishly, and she is blooming so joyously in her new home (a fine blue bamboo pot) that her brightly colored kin cannot hold a candle to her radiance.  In future summers, perhaps all our geraniums will be white in her honor.


One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

It brings such pleasure
to take an abandoned plant
and bring it back to life.
You remind me of times in
the past...

christinalfrutiger said...'s beautiful!! What most things (and people) can be if properly nutured!!

Karen - An Artists Garden said...

How lovely. This year I have been yearning for white geraniums, and have made a not to gather some up for next summer.

Lynn said...

Your writing touched a chord today. Our nursery did the same thing with a small leafy green plant in a white plastic pot. A no name treasure I call my rescue plant. It thrives on my kitchen sink window sill. I can’t count the times seeing it healthy and strong has made me happy.

compare electricity rates victoria said...

I love white geraniums. I much prefer it done other colors. It represents purity and sincerity. Hence, it's so refreshing to look at.

Cindy said...

I think white geraniums are the most beautiful! Pristine, pure, sanctified...