Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thursday Poem - Poetics

I look for the way
things will turn
out spiralling from a center,
the shape
things will take to come forth in

so that the birch tree white
touched black at branches
will stand out
totally its apparent self:

I look for the forms
things want to come as

from what black wells of possibility,
how a thing will

not the shape on paper -- though
that, too -- but the
uninterfering means on paper:

not so much looking for the shape
as being available
to any shape that may be
summoning itself
through me
from the self not mine but ours.

A.R. Ammons


Mystic Meandering said...

Beautiful... "...being available to any shape that may be summoning itself through me from the self no mine but ours." I need to "apply" this philosophy to my "art" as well... Timely post... Thanks...

Guy said...

Hi Cate

I always enjoy Ammons although sometimes I struggle with some of the concepts or phrasing, but he is a wonderful chronicler of the nature world.

All the best.