Tuesday, November 13, 2012

At the Edge of a Year

We are usually out before sunrise, Himself and Spencer and I, wandering in the park or sometimes by the lake as a November morning fog wraps itself around us in billows and swirls and nebulous clouds. Spencer potters along in his own nosy German Shorthair fashion, seeking interesting smells and wild creatures to point, reflecting happily on his life with us and thinking about fine rambles in the woods in Lanark when the hunting season has gone the way of all good and earthly things in a few weeks' time.

At some time in the wee hours on Sunday, Daylight Saving Time became a thing of the past, and time danced backward an hour or so in the little blue house in the village. This week also marks an anniversary of sorts.  It frames seven years of blogging at Beyond the Fields We Know - seven years of logging on here in the morning, posting bad photos and muttering along for a few paragraphs. An astonishing state of affairs, and the thought boggles the old mind... I still can't quite come to terms with my temerity in setting this e-journal up in the first place, let alone doing the blogging thing faithfully for seven years in a row.

This is a diary of sorts; these are my morning pages or artist's pages, and so they shall remain pretty much as they are. I'm not contemplating significant changes to this little corner of the blogging planet during the coming year, and I expect life will simply go along as it has so far. Apprentices of wonder are we, and we will continue to meander along at our own pace, watching morning fogs enfold the village and bare trees swaying against the sky, oak leaves raining dew like honey in the park, old Helios going down like a great ball of fire over Dalhousie Lake at the edge of the year. Enfolded in the Great Round of time, we and the small adventures of our journeying will continue to make our way here and spill our wanderings out on the computer screen a few hours after sunrise.

Departed Cassie is often with us on our wanderings; we can hear her soft breathing and feel her dancing along beside us, but her happy feet make no sound in the fallen leaves on the trail. We four are a tribe, and we belong together. The words that came to mind as we all pottered along in the fog together a few days ago were those of the incandescently gifted Mary Oliver.

The years to come -- this is a promise --
will grant you ample time

to try the difficult steps in the empire of thought
where you seek for the shining proofs you think you must have.

But nothing you ever understand will be sweeter,
or more binding,
than this deep affinity between your eyes and the world.

Mary Oliver, Excerpt from Terns

Thank you for journeying along here with me. You are more precious and wonderful than you can ever know.


artstorie said...

I turn to your words and images to remember wildness and God and beauty. Thank you for sharing these past seven years. I am so grateful...

Melanie said...

Your blog is the first thing I read when I turn my computer on every single morning. I would never have found it on my own, but being a follower of livinginseason.com, found it many years ago. The few times when you couldn't post each morning for various reasons, I panicked, hoping all was well with you and yours. I have 2 autistic sons who look at the picture you post daily. It lights up their eyes for me to read to them what was posted. Thank you Cate, for brightening our days.

Pienosole said...

Thank you for these morning pages!

Kameshwari said...

You bring us inspiring photographs and interesting ways to look at our own lives. For me, this journal is my own get-away from work in the kitchen or ironing of work shirts.

I am deeply appreciative of your work here. I am also appreciative of the others who make a visits along the way. Often times, I follow them to their own blogs.

Thank you Cate. I never forget to remember the Juicy Crones Yahoo Group and our moderator Marilyn.

Lee said...

Thank you for your faithful blogging, your beutiful pictures and your thoughtful words. For sharing your journey.

Guy said...

Hi Cate

A beautiful post, all the best on the edge of the year.


Dedri said...

Wonderful Cate! I've been reading along with you from the beginning. Through all the trials and tribulations in my own life, I've cried tears with you over Cassie and my own furry children as they departed. Your blog is a wonderful touchstone of earthly beauty in this world that is often too full of harsh things. Please keep up pottering along as you do - it is such a comfort to us out here int he blogosphere.

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Your Morning Pages accompany my morning coffee every day. I love your rambles in the woods and especially when you chase a word back through time. Please know how appreciated you are and happy blog anniversary.

Loren said...

I've enjoyed a good part of those seven years.

Here's to seven more.

Laura said...

so beautiful...blogging our stories through words and images, connecting with real people along the way... what a gift we have been graced with in this electronic realm of the world we live in!

I hope that you will join me in creating the gratitude quilt this year, our 4th one!! Information about the quilt and how to participate are at the top of my blog.

Mystic Meandering said...

Cate, you are a true blessing to so many of us - as you can see. :) I have loved your potterings over the years that I have been reading. I have felt comfort and a sense of companionship here following along. And inspiration as your *wonderful* photos have taken us out into the 200 acre wood on your expotitions, allowing my imagination to soar.

"Apprentices of wonder" we all are, thanks to you! You have touched this Heart each day with wonderment... With Gratitude, Christine

Anonymous said...

how comforting to come back here after an absence and find you still holding this warm and gentle space with your beautiful words and pictures, Cate.
and... isn't that a rosy-breasted nuthatch in Sunday's post?☺

Wyld Oak said...

I have just started visiting your blog and am glad to have found a fellow wild wanderer. Thank you for sharing your beautiful writing and images with us every day.

Anonymous said...

oops, I spoke too soon... it is a white-breasted nuthatch!

Cindy said...

Cate, your blog has been a blessing to me. I have been moved beyond words most days, certainly I've been moved to tears from the sheer beauty of your photos and your eloquent voice.

Today I needed to have my beautiful Maine Coon cat put to sleep. Zen Master Jackson Hole Wyoming, yes, that was his name...Jackson, for short. As I wrap myself up tonight in his memory, I feel his soft fur brush my hand. He is now romping in the Great Unknown, meeting up with all the beloved pets that have gone before him.

Your blog gives succor and strength, and a "knowing" of all things intangible. I thank you...

Maggie Emm said...

Thank you, thank you
For beautiful words
And beautiful images
You are kin!

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Cate, what beautiful words
as always.
Familar with much of Mary Oliver,
but this is new to me.
Thank you....

Debbie said...

Warmest congratulations! It's been lovely to be able to follow along on your potterings.

With love,

Anonymous said...

I don't think you're an apprentice to wonder--a journeywoman at the very least, if not a master, which I would argue for. The photos are gorgeous, the text illuminating. And thank you today for Mary Oliver's words, too.

Kim Antieau said...

Congratulations. So much beauty here, always.

Folkways Note Book said...

Mary Oliver is a favorite of mine. Your writings are a joy also. -- barbara

What in the World said...

Thank You Cate, Your Beautiful images and words have given me more joy than you'll ever know! Wishing you and your loved ones a Holiday Season filled with Good Health and Every happiness!
Mary Fran