Saturday, May 25, 2013

Good things come in threes...

Greater White Trillium
(Trillium grandiflorum)

Three perfect green leaves, three perfect snowy petals and a golden heart...  The white empress of the woodland illustrates the timeless power of three perfectly.
She appears in the woods a little later than her more vibrantly coloured red cousin, and she is just as grand.  Her petals are slightly scalloped and velvety, a little wider than those of the red trillium, and they curve gloriously, as if she is trying to compensate for her lack of scarlet pigmentation with a paler but equally sumptuous grandeur.

No compensation is needed, for she is gorgeous on her own, and another of the northern wildflowers which Georgia O'Keefe would have loved to paint.

1 comment:

Lené Gary said...

I love this tribute--one of my favorite flowers.