Monday, April 24, 2017

Morning's Cup in Early Bloom

It is going to be one of those days, so I am starting it in the early hours with a small magic that uplifts my spirit, gladdens my heart, strengthens my resolve and makes me smile. Is there anything as enchanting, visually fetching and "happy making" as a fragrant cup of flower tea and goji berries?

A little Mozart is wafting through my headphones, and it completes the invocation nicely. No matter what the cancer clinic tosses my way today, I will be ready for it, just hope the painful stuff can be kept to a minimum. Wish me luck!


Pienosole said...

I wish you luck and send you many positive thoughts!

greekwitch said...

My thought and heart is with you!

a gardener said...

Sending you peace and healing.

Mystic Meandering said...

Prayers to Amitabha on your behalf that he would surround you in a bubble of love and comfort, and ease your pain... <3

sarah said...

Luck and love, peace and happiness to you.

Marsha said...

All luck to you.

Maggie Emm said...

Bit late!...hope it went well and not too painful x

thelma said...

Also a bit late, so the trauma is over for the moment. Best wishes, and that looks a lovely cup of tea.

Kiki said...

Reading this now (France, April 25, lunch-time) I'm a bit late for your treatment of yesterday but you are, although unbeknown, quite often in my thoughts and therefore at every such occasion, I send you love and healing thoughts across the oceans....
Your 'tea' startled me greatly - it looks like the tip of a fir tree twig, I only know the goij berries in their dried and wonderfully sweet/sour form and about the flowers I'm (again) totally clueless. In any case, I looked like a most beautiful, fleeting and happy-making work of art & love :)
All the best to you and yours .....

Tabor said...

I have been off on travel and away from your challenges. You are an inspiration and I hope to remember to use your tools on "those days" which we all get sooner or later. I wish you the best and so hope your day was peaceful.

christinalfrutiger said...

I also am a bit late but I do hope today isn't as bad as some, I know have been...Please let us know how you are doing...
Like everyone...sending you peace, healing and love...

Debbie said...

Sending love, warm thoughts, and prayers from here, too.

Paula said...

Wishing you luck belatedly and always. I so love your writing and art.