Sunday, July 30, 2017

Sunday - Saying Yes to the World

...we are situated in the land the same way that characters are situated in a story.  Indeed, for the members of a deeply oral culture this relation may be experienced as something more than a mere analogy: along with the other animals, the stones, the trees, and the clouds, we ourselves are characters within a huge story that is visibly unfolding all around us, participants within the vast imagination, or Dreaming, of the world.
David Abram, The Spell of the Sensuous 


Rain Trueax said...

I have that book. Great quote from it and a way to never forget what we are living among.

Mystic Meandering said...

Wonderful! I have to keep reminding myself of this in one form or another; that all the dramas we live, big or small, are just stories... It helps me to keep perspective when "the story" seemingly becomes a "nightmare"...

LOve the photo! Such symbolism! Our lives are just pages of a bigger story...