Saturday, April 04, 2020

Coming Up Purple

Gaudeamus igitur. Verna est.
(Let us give thanks. It is spring.)
Can there ever be too much purple and gold in the world? Not in the autumn when saffron crocuses bloom. Not in the long white season. Not in summer when the whole world is arrayed in rainbow colors and dancing in light.

Certainly not in this this springtime of pandemic, social distancing, sequestering and retreat from the world. Purple and gold gladden the spirit.

Together. We are together. We are together when we wave to each other from our windows and converse from opposite sides of the street, when we post cheerful notes and images in places like this to uplift the spirits of our fellow beings.

We are all together in this, and we must remember that.


Pienosole said...

Yes, we are. Here in New Hampshire, it feels like the first day of spring, despite the cool temperature. Have yet to see the first crocuses, but yesterday saw some daffodil buds poking their heads above the ground. We need a little more sun, and then... ☀️🤗

Anonymous said...

So beautiful , yes!

Barbara Rogers said...

I'm so grateful that in the great big plan of things, such beauty has been given us! Purple! Gold! Yes yes yes!

Kiki said...

I'm so glad to learn that you HAVE neighbours to wave to.... I always picture you alone in your house, far from any other people, surrounded 'only' by nature, with your dog at your feet..... and I'm glad that you finally have a chance of a spring experience too. We have already had nearly all the panoply of spring blooms and I feel quite sorry for you stuck in winter mode. But I know you like it that way and I wish you a bountyful spring season.