Sunday, February 28, 2021

Sunday, Saying Yes to the World

Wilderness is a form of sophistication, because it carries within it true knowledge of our place in the world. It doesn't exclude civilization but prowls through it, knowing when to attend to the needs of the committee and when to drink from a moonlit lake. It will wear a suit and tie when it has to, but refuses to trim its talons or whiskers. Its sensing nature is not afraid of emotion: the old stories are full of grief forests and triumphant returns, banquets and bridges of thorns. Myth tells us that the full gamut of feeling is to be experienced.

Martin Shaw, A Branch From the Lightening Tree


Mystic Meandering said...

"...the full gamut of feeling is to be experienced." Absolutely! It's all part of our wholeness...

Tabor said...

Double impressive.