Monday, January 06, 2025

Sequestered, Week 246 (CCXLVI)

On a cold morning in January, there is something comforting about a favorite mug of tea with half moons of orange, anise stars, and nubbins of clove floating in it. A few cinnamon sticks, and the picture would be perfect. No, it is perfect as it is.

Looking at the fragrant pond in my beaker, I can almost forget the north wind howling in the eaves, the snow and antarctic cold beyond the kitchen windows. Such is the magic of a potion thoughtfully brewed, then sipped slowly and appreciatively. A scented candle is burning, and there is a a lovely stack of reading materials on the library table. They too are happy things on a glacial morning like this. 

The plan today is making a pot of roasted vegetable soup, a fine undertaking for a frigid January morning. The veggies are roasted in the oven then run through the Vitamix with coconut milk and aromatic spices like curry, cumin and paprika, to name just a few. A bowl of the ambrosial stirrings will be served for dinner, and the rest will go into the freezer for other times. Lovely stuff it is, sunshine in a bowl.

Out of such small and mundane rites, a meaningful life is made.


Kate said...

You describe things so well, it's almost as good as being there!

bmg said...

I can almost feel the warmth from your kitchen! The tea and soup sound delightful, especially with those aromatic spices.
bmg said...

I'm savoring your sustenance for the sequestered day...