Tuesday, February 11, 2025

The Church of Winter Trees

The park is hushed at this hour of the morning. Clouds conceal the sky from here to there, and they hold the promise of snow. The silent trees along the trail are baroque columns holding up the winter day, and perhaps the whole world. The interlaced branches over our heads are cathedral arches dusted with fresh snowfall.

Now and then, the wind dislodges snowflakes, and they fall to earth, glittering faintly in the murk and whispering softly as they come to rest among the trees.

To walk along the trail would be a fine thing, but the thought of marking the pristine snow with our footprints is troubling. There is no need to announce our presence here or publish a claim to these moments and their perfect trappings. We will simply stand here and watch as the light dances around us and everything unfolds.


Kate said...

I like that title.

Barbara Rogers said...

Very poetic photos, and prose!

francesray.substack.com said...

How lovely is this! Winter's blue light is as special as your words.